About Us
Aloha! We are a newly incorporated non-profit organization that first started as a small seed buried in the minds of several members living on O’ahu and Japan. In 2020 – ideas were nurtured, a strong foundation was cultivated, dreams took to action, and as our members grew so did our “apple” seed. In January of 2021, our vision of “red apple” finally became a reality and, as a result, ready to be shared to our consumers!
Red Apple Foundation’s mission is to help educators identify ways to improve current technology, resources, & workspaces to enhance the learning environment for students.
To support this mission, we will be organizing local events to raise funds – where members of Red Apple will purchase educational resources to then be donated across public schools on O’ahu. In these efforts, we hope to find like-minded individuals and companies who recognize and support our “red apple” concept as a tool to enrich our island home – the keiki, or children.
Please scroll and read through our pages, click on our tabs, and explore more of what our organization has to offer. We hope you leave our site feeling empowered and inspired to make a difference! Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope to chat with you soon! Mahalo!
Our nonprofit organization focuses on three essential pillars to building a strong presence for public school education in Hawai`i: Education, Community, and Fundraising
Every child possesses both the capacity and curiosity for learning; however, most children do not have exposure to a quality learning environment. Factors like low-income families or communities, as well as immigrant, disadvantaged, or disabled children are some examples that could hinder a child’s potential for learning. To combat this, the Hawai`i Department of Education (HIDOE) established what is known as the ‘Operating Budget’ that consists of four categories: Federal, State, Special, and Trust funds. With determining amounts calculated every fiscal year, these funds have been implemented to support schools, programs, testing, and administration. In 2021 alone, the Operating Budget of $2 billion was allocated to facilitate these efforts, with State funds carrying the majority (about 82%) of this contribution.
With over 290 schools, about 180,000 students, and roughly 42,000 employees tied into Hawai`i’s education system, funds are evaluated and distributed depending on the Weighted Student Formula (WSF) of each school. To boost funding efforts made by HIDOE, Red Apple Foundation offers partnership with public schools on O’ahu to ensure that every child has access to innovative tools for learning.
Red Apple Foundation has the ability to cultivate the importance of education in public schools on O’ahu, by ultimately nurturing young educators to become functioning members of society. To aid in these efforts, Red Apple Foundation commits to supplying the necessary resources and technological tools into the classroom to better equip teachers with supporting their students. Throughout Red Apple’s journey, the organization hopes to rally individuals and companies to donate funds and resources to strengthen the community within Hawai`i. As an incentive, Red Apple Foundation offers membership benefits to teachers, individuals, and local businesses – please check out the Memberships Page (coming soon…) to learn more about our discounts and announcements. It is with great intent that the relationships formed from these local interactions will positively impact students, schools, and employees in the education system. In the end, Red Apple Foundation hopes to partner with members who support its mission to enrich the education of our children; to inspire deeper learning, and discover their passions and skills that can contribute to society. Red Apple Foundation humbly welcomes your hand to take part in these endeavors.
In order to connect public schools on O’ahu with Red Apple, the organization will schedule fundraising events to gather individuals and companies within the community to donate their support. Please follow our Instagram to participate in our next fundraiser event. Also, be sure to check out the ‘Get Involved’ Page – which includes our history of donations given to partnered schools, as well as our next steps to stay involved. Lastly, to donate to our cause directly and at any time, please find the ‘Donate Now’ button (coming soon…) at the bottom of this page! On behalf of the Red Apple Foundation team, we sincerely express our gratitude for visiting or sharing our website. Together, let's invest in our keiki – the future leaders and treasure of our island home.